
Who Are We?

We're a group of Doctors with a passion for learning and education.
Our aim is to create a site that is easy to use and accessible to all. We want this site to help relieve the stress that medical and allied health professional students experience by acting as a platform for simplifying content and delivering the quizzes students love to learn from.
We also aim to tackle the financial inequalities in medicine by providing professionally-made, premium-quality content for free, to all.

Our Team

Check out the team behind SimpleMed!

Click a profile to view that person's bio and learn more about them!

Dr Marcus Judge

Founder | CEO | Developer | Radiology & Pharmacology Lead

Dr Maddie Swannack

Lead Writer | COO | Editor | Respiratory Lead

Dr Tom Bradley

Writer | Editor

Dr Thomas Burnell

Writer | Editor | QI Lead

Dr Elena Perez

Writer | Social Lead

Dr Marston Hillier

Haematology Lectures Lead

Dr Benjamin Appleby

Lead Editor

Dr Aaron Yip

Cardiology Lectures Lead

Joshua Bray

Writer | Editor

Past Contributors

Dr Bethany Turner

Writer | Editor | Social Media

Dr Emily Smith

Writer | Social Media

Our Team

Check out the team behind SimpleMed!

Click a profile to view that person's bio and learn more about them!

Dr Marcus Judge

Founder | CEO | Developer | Radiology & Pharmacology Lead

Dr Maddie Swannack

Writer | COO | Editor | Respiratory Lead

Dr Thomas Burnell

Writer | Editor | QI Lead

Dr Ben Appleby

Lead Editor

Joshua Bray

Writer | Editor

Dr Tom Bradley

Writer | Editor

Dr Marston Hillier

Haeamtology Lectures Lead

Dr Aaron Yip

Cardiology Lectures Lead

Past Contributors

Dr Bethany Turner

Writer | Editor | Social Media

Dr Emily Smith

Writer | Social Media

Our Partners

People, socieities and organisations who have helped SimpleMed to develop and grow through partnerships and support!


Leicester University Student Union Medical Association

Terese Bird

University of Leicester Medical Education Designer


University of Leicester Medical Research into Future Technologies Society


The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is intended for medical education, specifically to biological/medical learning inclined individuals, and does not create any doctor-patient relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

©2024 Lili's Ark Limited, UK Company #15424953

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