- Every page has 5 sections: "Contents", "Abstract", "Core", "Quiz" and "Feedback" - each is useful for a different purpose and at different stages of your individual understanding and learning of the topic eg. Core is most useful to read when just starting a topic.
- The search function can be used to pick any topic and will search all of our articles for the content you want.
- Signing-up for SimpleMed is free and requires almost no personal details - in exchange, you can access our social system to connect with other medics and medical students and our forum and comments systems to ask questions on articles or clarify concepts.
First of all, welcome to SimpleMed!SimpleMed is a free-to-use platform to learn medicine, quiz yourself and socialise with other medics.
This site was created by a small group of Doctors and Medical Students looking to create something special. We personally hope what's going on here can help you to form a better understanding of the core concepts of Medicine, as well as relieve stress and help you relax.
Learning with SimpleMed
Each page of SimpleMed's growing library of notes is set out in exactly the same way - 5 sections, each designed to help learning, provide information and help you reflect. These sections are as follows:
- "Contents": A short section detailing the titles of each section of the articles; click on a hyperlink to be automatically scrolled to that part of the article.
- "Abstract": This is up to 8 lines that outline all of the content in the "core" article below (similar to the abstract of a scientific paper). This section is super useful for power-revising and is good to read both once before reading the "core" article and then once again after, in order to consolidate its main messages.
- "Core": Containing the bulk of the information, the core describes concepts, presents facts and will often contain tables, mnemonics and diagrams/pictures to spruce things up. Most of your learning will come from this section and the aim is to make things as understandable as possible. The setup of categories/subcategories within topics is designed to split everything up as nicely and concisely as possible, so no "core" should be longer than 5 minutes of reading.
- "Quiz": A special section that calls upon questions from a question bank to test you - all of these questions are available in the Quizzes section in the main menu, but the quiz at the bottom of each page is specifically designed for the topic you have just read about. These questions are great for both trying out just after reading the article, but also just prior to your exams, in order to test your knowledge and recall.
- "Feedback": This section allows you to feedback on the article you have just read. Feeding back is a core aspect of being a medical professional and you will be asked to do this constantly. Your feedback helps us improve our articles, ourselves and also helps give a little back to the article writer to help strengthen their portfolio.
At the top of each page, under the title, is a link to the "next lesson". While SimpleMed articles are independent of each other, going through each lesson "in order" is probably the best way to develop a solid understanding of the entire topic.
You can access all of our topics here.
An article's contents page - each green piece of text is a hyperlink that will scroll you down to the relevant part of the article.
SimpleMed offers you the option to sign-up or login. Signing-up is completely free and asks for nothing but an email address, name and password, which is all securely stored in an encrypted database and adheres to all privacy and GDPR laws. Check out our terms and privacy policy for more info.
What can you do with a SimpleMed account?
- Post on the Comments system below all of our articles. This allows you to ask questions, clarify concepts, or even point out mistakes (we are human!).
- Post on the SimpleMed Forum system - this allows you to talk to everyone through a posts system and ask general questions. Looking for work experience? Here's the place. Looking for help with a tough concept? Here's the place. Want to request a new topic? You know the drill.
- Keep track of your Quiz results - though this feature is currently in closed Beta and will be available in the near future.
Upon signing-up or logging in, you will be taken to your SimpleMed Hub profile page. This will show you all of the questions you've asked on the forum or at the bottom of articles, allowing you to keep track of everything.
Post on the SimpleMed Forums, ask questions, initiate discussions or request new content!
Searching SimpleMed
SimpleMed is equipped with a site-wide smart search. Click on the magnifying glass in the top right of the site and type whatever topic you want to learn about. If we haven't covered the topic you're interested in, let us know on our forum!
The entire site is free to use, with no limitations at all and nothing pay-gated - to allow this to happen, we have a few ads interspersed in our articles. These are clearly marked and look like the one below:
If you're interested in what the ad is showing, feel free to click on it - we use Google AdSense to deliver our ads, thus they are all monitored and vetted by Google. If not, just keep scrolling!
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy using what we have made - not sure where to start? How about the Cardiovascular System!
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